y dad makes
some profound statements as he comments on the teaching of almsgiving,
offerings and tithes. Some of his statements may sound as if he is entirely
against tithing or prosperity, but that’s not his intention. His main concern
in this book is the motive behind our giving. We should bring our tithes to the
house of God simply because we fear and obey God. Every Christian must understand
that we are blessed so that we can become a blessing to the world. As God
increases you materially, don’t focus much of your attention on those material
possessions. Have a mind-set of wanting to give more to His work, feeding more
of the hungry, clothe more and more of the naked. Just use your blessings to
touch the world around you. You are blessed to be a blessing.
(Munashe Soka, author of ‘The Hidden Man of the Heart’ & Son to Abraham Soka)
with great concern the commercialisation of the gospel of our Lord and saviour
Jesus Christ. What once was given to us to freely pass on to others who in turn
would continue the cycle freely in others is fast being incorporated into the
world of commerce. The old time servant of our Lord and a brother of James
urges us to earnestly defend the faith that was delivered to the saints
once. Paul also says we have one God and one faith. It is the duty of
every saint to defend this faith because evil men and seducers have
clandestinely sneaked into the church. Satan has so cunningly infiltrated these
vile men and women into the church in a manner that many sincere followers of
our Lord never anticipated. Some sincere and upright men and women of God never
noticed this infiltration and in good faith and trust have aided the
infiltrates in their wicked mission. The good news, however, is that some
have taken note of the infiltration and are now earnestly contenting for the
Paul once warned that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Of
course he was making reference to a little pride and the same is also true
concerning a little heresy that often spoils good doctrine whenever it is
applied to sound teachings. Satan knows this very well and has of late been
adding a little leaven to good doctrine with the sole aim of bringing the
teachings of the Lamb of God into disrepute. The doctrine of our Lord and
saviour is perfect and entire wanting nothing but the author of every evil is
consistently and constantly portraying the opposite picture by polluting it
with some doctrinal yeast. Some of our members indeed sometimes fail to detect
the leaven and energetically and ignorantly teach the leavened doctrine. Such
doctrine ceases to be the doctrine of Christ the very moment impurities are
added. Any additions to or subtractions from the doctrine of Christ are
rebellious acts that attract the full penalty pronounced in the book of
Revelation. It is refreshing, however, to note that others from our numbers
have taken note of the leaven and have stood up to fight for the faith.
True they may be few as has been the case throughout history and they
constantly receive ridicule in abundance yet they are in the victor’s camp.
I have for a considerable
period raised pertinent questions and objections concerning the so called ‘Prosperity
gospel’ or ‘the give and become rich doctrine.’ This, as we all
know, is a doctrine supposedly built on the foundations of the good and sound
doctrine of tithes, offerings and alms giving. I do not in any way
object to the sound Biblical doctrine but I do strongly disagree with
the manner propagators of the Prosperity gospel teach tithes and
offerings. The teachings are conducted and published everywhere in a way
that leaves a lot to be desired. Various portions of the Prosperity Doctrine
are taught in a way that contradicts great and essential portions of the
Bible. The sound doctrine of Christ does
not and never will ever contradict itself. If contradictions are noted eyebrows
must be raised. In borrowing the Lord’s wisdom let me here state that a kingdom
at war against itself is bound to fall. Would Christ indeed, being Lord of
Lords and king of kings, ever contradict himself? If your answer is that he is
at war with himself then our faith is in vain because his kingdom will not
last. But if your answer is ‘NO’, then whose doctrine of monetary gain have we
been exposed to which often contradicts the very teachings of Christ. Could it
be the doctrine of Christ, of men or of the devil?
The Master once said that
we could not serve two masters, God and money. Does the money doctrine
you receive make you seek to serve God or mammon? Paul also spoke of apostles
who do not serve God but their own bellies. Who do you serve? If you are a
servant of either money or your belly you certainly cannot serve the God and
father of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and whatever doctrine you teach is
not of Christ but of another. One old man once said to me, ‘it is easy to
serve gold thinking that you are serving God,’ how right he was. God
is not gold and gold is not God – the two are different.
In days of old the church
used to take care of widows orphans and the destitute but it appears as if it
has of late become the obligation of the poor to take care of the church. Today
if a poor widow does not throw her last cent into the offering bowl she is
branded a miser and an infidel. Some teachers are so extreme in their wayward
teachings such that they label the poor soul one who is cursed by God. They
discourage members of their congregation from assisting the poor fellow saying
it is not wise to invest in a curse but whatever they intent to give the poor
cursed destitute must be given to the work of God. You have guessed
right, that work of God is indeed the minister’s latest automobile or
sixth mansion in some up market Harare low-density suburb. Others are not that
radical but believe that multi-million dollar auditoriums are more important
than the poor, who like themselves, are created in the image of God. The money
the church would have used in feeding and clothing the poor is often diverted
to the building of ivory towers. The argument they advance is that if sinners
commit sin inside expensive and state of the art buildings nothing can stop
believers from worshiping in similar structures. Since when did sinners become
our standard bearers? May be I got the Lord wrong but I still believe that he
said, ‘go and teach all nations,’ and not go and build
better buildings than unbelievers. Stephen was a member of the feeding
committee and not that tasked with matching the world in showing off our
wealth. Simple and safe buildings that provide the necessary shelter and
protection are not sinful to God so why worry about multi-million dollar
The problem with the modern
day church is that the mark of a true believer is financial prosperity quite
contrary to the mark in the early New Testament era when the mark was
righteousness and loyalty to the Lord. Barnabas never sold his field so that he
would in return get ten more farms but so that he would share the proceeds
from the sale with the poor of his congregation. Today we give so
that we may reap material prosperity. The Lord says do not mind worldly riches
yet we say, ‘just confess wealth and you become the richest person in society.’
Somewhere the Bible says that filthy riches ensnare but we say that wealth is
the answer to all our woes. Moses taught tithing in a manner that promoted the
fear of God yet we tithe in order to bribe God. It is now common to hear
comments such as, ‘if you want to make money just form your own church.’
Where are we really heading?
The purpose of this book is
to return to the Bible and rediscover the old time doctrine on tithes,
offerings, alms and prosperity. More time and space will be devoted to what the
Bible teaches rather than what it is meant to teach by those who are
money hungry. It will not point a finger at who is distorting the faith but at
which impurities have been added to the sound doctrine of our Lord. My aim is
not to criticize but to correct. So let us journey together through the pages
of this book and I hope you will enjoy the journey. Welcome aboard.