Jesus Christ said to his disciples hat because he
was going to the Father those who will believe in him will do the same works he
did when he was still on earth. He even said that they would do even greater
History is littered with stories of miracles performed
by followers of Christ starting with the miracle of the healing of the lame beggar
at the temple gate by Peter and John to the most recent healing of Moslem woman
recently. Recently a Muslim family in the Middle East gave their
lives to Jesus after Christian missionaries prayed over their bedridden
mother and she was miraculously healed.
Fadila was troubled when her mother suffered a stroke
and became bedridden.The family didn’t know what to do. Eventually, one of Fadila’s brothers brought two men to the house, telling the rest of the family that the men were “men of God” who have “gifts of healing.”
The family agreed to allow the men to pray over their mother unaware that the men were not Muslims.
“One man prayed. I felt uncomfortable,
because it was different than Muslim du'a (prayer)," Fadila said. "He
was using Jesus' name on his prayers. In the name of Jesus he prayed to heal my
When Fadila found out the two men were
Christians, she initially became angry and ordered them to leave the house. But
then something happened.
Their mother, who had been unable to move, was
struggling to get up from her bed.
“We helped her and she sat erect and then stood on
the floor," Fadila said.Their mother told the family that while the men prayed over her she saw Jesus and that he had touched her with his nail-pierced hands. She felt a light covering her and knew that she had been healed.
"She asked the pastor to pardon me [for
telling them to go away] and also asked him to pray for my brother who is an
alcoholic," Fadila said.
The men prayed for Fadila’s brother who confessed
his sins, repented, and turned to Jesus.Everyone in Fadila’s family converted to Christianity except her father’s other wife, Fadila’s stepmother, who remains antagonistic toward Christianity.
Fadila said that in spite of the opposition, the
family is praying and reading the Bible. However, Fadila’s stepmother has
threatened to report the family to the authorities for their new-found faith.
So it is evident that followers of Christ are
still doing the works Jesus did when he was still on earth. The existence of
false teachers has not deterred true followers of Christ who still cherish the
true sound teachings of Christ as claimed in chapter nine of the book Saints
Made Merchandise which is available at
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